The Kentucky Library Association (KLA) offers two scholarship opportunities for graduate students entering or continuing their library education in an American Library Association (ALA) or National Council for Teacher Education (NCATE)-accredited library school
The Rebecca Bingham Memorial Scholarship for Minority Students was created to encourage minority students to pursue a career in libraries. By enhancing the diversity of the library profession, fresh perspectives can be gained for service to a growing, diverse patron population. Rebecca was the first African-American to become president of KLA, served as president of the American Association of School Librarians, as well as numerous other achievements.
Contributions to this fund are tax deductible. You can donate when you renew your KLA membership (online or via membership form) or make a check payable to “KLA Minority Scholarship Fund” and send it to the KLA Office (1588 Leestown Rd., STE 130-310, Lexington, KY 40511).
In 2015, KLA formally launched the Linda Kompanik Memorial Scholarship. Linda was a past President of KLA and the Kentucky Public Library Association (KPLA). As the director of the Logan County Public Library, she led the effort to establish a special library license plate to raise funds for educational scholarships and to increase visibility for Kentucky's libraries. This scholarship is funded through sales and renewals of the READ specialty license plate.
Apply for a Scholarship
Rebecca Bingham Scholarship Application
Linda Kompanik Scholarship Application
The scholarship applications for academic year 2025-26 will be available beginning March 21, 2025 and all scholarship applications and materials are due on June 15, 2025.
Please direct questions to King Simpson, chair, KLA Scholarship Committee: [email protected]