Government Documents Round Table (GODORT)


Chair - Vacant

Chair-Elect - Vacant

Claudene Sproles, Secretary/Treasurer
Government Documents Librarian
Ekstrom Library
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
[email protected]

Crystal Ellis, Chair
Collection Development and Reference Librarian
Centre College
600 West Walnut St.
Danville, KY 40422
Office: 859-238-5277


You have found the home page for the Kentucky Library Association's Government Documents Round Table (GODORT). This site is intended as a resource for Round Table members and those who want information about GODORT.

The objectives of our Round Table, as stated in our bylaws, are:

  • To promote access to government publications at all levels through communication among interested librarians.
  • To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, concerns, and problems affecting this access.
  • To increase awareness of resources available in government publications.

We welcome the participation of anyone who has an interest in this area.

Guidelines on Officer Responsibilities


The Round Table also maintains a discussion list at [email protected]. To subscribe to this list send an E-mail message to [email protected] with the following message:

SUB LTD Your Name

Example: SUB LTD Mary Smith

Meeting Minutes

Kentucky Library Association
Government Documents Round Table
Constitution and Bylaws


Article I
The name of this organization shall be the Government Documents Round Table (hereafter called, the Round Table) of the Kentucky Library Association.

Article II
Sec. 1. To promote access to government resources at all levels through communication among interested librarians.
Sec. 2. To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, concerns, and problems affecting this access.
Sec. 3. To increase awareness of government resources available to the public.
Sec. 4. To create a viable working group willing to disseminate information and materials published by government agencies.

Article III
Round Table members must be members of the Kentucky Library Association (hereafter called the Association) and have a continuing interest in the objectives of the Round Table.

Article IV
Elected officers of the Round Table shall be Chairperson, Chair-Elect, and Secretary/Treasurer. A vacancy of the Chairperson shall be filled by the Chair-Elect. A vacancy of the Chair-Elect shall be filled by special election of the membership.

Article V
The annual meeting of the Round Table (hereafter called, the Round Table Annual Meeting) shall be held at the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Library Association. The Round Table shall also meet each spring and at other times and places to be established by the Round Table or its Executive Committee. Those members present and voting shall constitute a quorum for such meetings.

Article VI
Any proposal to amend this Constitution and Bylaws shall be presented in writing to the membership for action at the Round Table Annual Meeting. Amendments of the Constitution and Bylaws require approval by the membership.

Article VII
The official year shall begin November 1 and end October 31.


Section I
The dues of the Round Table shall conform to those established for Round Tables by the Association's Board of Directors and set forth in the Association's Bylaws. Dues paid at the Association's annual meeting are effective for the following calendar year.

Section II
A. Elections shall be conducted by the Nominating Committee.
B. The officers shall be elected by the members at the Round Table Annual Meeting.
C. The terms of office shall be two (2) years beginning at the close of the Round Table annual meeting at which the election was held. A person may not serve consecutive terms in a given office.

Section III
A. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates for offices at the Round Table Annual Meeting. Members may also make nominations from the floor at the Round Table Annual Meeting with prior consent of the nominee.
B. Members who wish to place their name in nomination for an elective office shall submit their name and office preference to the chair of the Nominating Committee two (2) weeks prior to the Round Table Annual Meeting.

Section IV
A. The Chairperson
1. The Chairperson serves as the Round Table's representative in all official capacities as its spokesperson.
2. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Round Table and of the Executive Committee.
3. The Chairperson is an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
4. The Chairperson is responsible for establishing ad hoc committees as needed.
5. The Chairperson shall be responsible for reporting to the Association on all activities of the Round Table (see Section VI of these Bylaws).
6. The Chairperson sends archival materials to the Executive Secretary of KLA by the end of the calendar year.

B. The Chair-Elect
1. The Chair-Elect serves as chair in the absence of the Chairperson.
2. The Chair-Elect shall assume the responsibilities of Chairperson at the end of the current Chairpersons tenure.

C. The Secretary/Treasurer
1. The Secretary/Treasurer shall take the minutes of all meetings of the Round Table and the Executive Committee.
2. The Secretary/Treasurer shall present at each Annual Meeting the minutes of the preceding meeting.
3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping a current list of the members of the Round Table.
4. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the recording and safekeeping of the funds of the Round Table.
5. The Secretary/Treasurer shall present at each Annual Meeting a financial statement for inspection, which shall include all income and expenditures of the Round Table.
6. The Secretary/Treasurer shall forward meeting minutes, financial reports, etc. to the Chairperson for inclusion in the archives by the end of the calendar year.

D. Immediate Past-Chairperson
1. The immediate Past-Chairperson shall serve on the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity.

Section V
A. Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following officers: Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer and the Immediate Past-Chairperson.
2. The Executive Committee has the power to act for the Round Table in the intervals between meetings of the Round Table.
3. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) persons and fill vacancies as needed.
4. The Executive Committee shall set the time and place of special meetings.
5. The Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the Chairperson.
6. The Executive may create or dissolve standing or Ad Hoc committees.

B. Creation of Standing or Ad Hoc Committees
1. Standing or ad hoc committees are created or dissolved by the Executive Committee.
2. Members of the Round Table may suggest the creation of ad hoc committees, subject to Executive Committee approval.
3. No committee chair, or individual member of the committee shall be allowed to represent, engage, or obligate the Round Table to any course of action without the expressed approval of the Executive Committee.
4. Vacancies on committees shall be filled by the Chairperson and approved by the Executive Committee.

C. Standing Committees
1. Nominating Committee
a. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three (3) active members of the Round Table, appointed by the Executive Committee at the spring meeting.
b. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates for offices at the annual meeting.
c. The Nominating Committee shall prepare the ballots, count the ballots, and report to the Chairperson the results of the election.
2. State Publications Committee
a. The State Publications Committee shall be composed of a representative of KDLA and three (3) additional members chosen from the Round Table membership at large. The Committee shall elect the Chair.
b. The at-large members shall serve two-year terms. The terms will be from Fall to Fall.
c. The purpose of this committee is to promote access to Kentucky state government information published in all formats.

Section VI
(See pertinent section of the Association Bylaws)
A. Publications may be issued subject to the approval of the Association's Board of Directors. All publications shall become a part of the archival collection of the Round Table.
B. All workshops and/or educational activities shall be reported to the Association's President for presentation to the Board of Directors and for inclusion in the activities calendar and the Association's official publications.
C. Annual reports of the activities, membership number, financial status and a roster of new officers shall be submitted in writing to the President of the Association immediately following the close of the fiscal year (November).

Section VII
A. The Roundtable Chairperson sends archival materials to the Executive Secretary of the Association at the end of the calendar year.
B. The following types of materials shall be preserved: constitution and bylaws and all revisions, business meeting minutes, Round Table annual reports, financial reports, and any other materials relating to the history, activities, and accomplishments of the Round Table.
C. The following materials should not be included in the archives: correspondence relating to meeting plans or programming, replies to questionnaires, and letters generated by the Round Table.

Section VIII
The parliamentary authority for the Round Table is the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order. The rules contained in this edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Round Table in all cases to which they are applicable.

Fall 2005